Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from a course, immersion or retreat?

My courses are designed to be as practical as possible; I share tools and techniques that you can bring into your life and use straight away. I use a multi-disciplinary approach and combine psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness and energy work based on my experience and qualifications in all of these areas. I believe that this is like any other self-development work - for example, if you go to the gym regularly, you will get fitter and stronger. The same applies with my courses - if you apply the tools in your life regularly, you will receive many benefits and positive outcomes. 

While you will mainly do exercises on your own, there will always be group reflection time at the start and end of sessions and smaller exercises with only one or two others. I’m a big believer in the power of working as a unique individual within a group, and the learning we can gain from others - there’s a special magic that happens when we feel able to be seen and heard by supportive, warm and inspiring souls who are on a course alongside us.

My virtual courses normally consist of a series of sessions, which last for up to 90 minutes, with plenty of time for questions.

What if I haven't done a self-development course before?

My courses, immersions and retreats are designed to be accessible and interactive, so that anyone who is interested in self-development can take part and benefit from them. 

However, I would advise that if you have never taken part in any self-development activities before - e.g. other groups/online resources, working with a therapist/coach, reading around the subject – I recommend that you get extra support while taking part. This is to make sure you are in the best possible position to explore any personal material that arises that may be particularly sensitive, disruptive or destabilising; to ensure you have someone right there by your side. I will always make time at the beginning and end of sessions for check-ins from participants. Though extra support is not offered between sessions, ways to support yourself between sessions are always offered, as are extra resources for those who need them.

What if I have only ever done one-on-one work before?

One of the things that is so beneficial about taking part in one of my courses is that you get to choose what works for you and individualise what you learn to your own needs. This ultimately encourages you to take responsibility for your own self-development - which creates a lot of self-trust and self-power over time. Therefore, the way my courses and sessions are structured work in a parallel-process to the content that I’m teaching: to develop a stronger, more truthful and more trusting relationship with ourselves.

My courses, immersions and retreats also complement one-on-one work beautifully – participants who have done both at the same time say that the sessions spark and inspire self-development areas that one-on-one work can pick up and focus on alongside.

Do you offer one-on-one sessions?

At the moment I am only offering group work. If you’d like to be kept updated about the potential of one-on-one sessions in future, please subscribe to my mailing list.

What if I haven't meditated or done any visualisation techniques before?

My courses, immersions and retreats are designed to be accessible for people who have not had any experience of these things before, so as long as you come with an open mind to try something new, I’m sure you’ll get a lot out of it!

Will I have to share personal and private things in the group? 

I don’t believe in forcing anyone to do or say anything they are not completely comfortable with – ever! This is very much against my values. There will be plenty of space provided within sessions for personal comments and feedback and I encourage and welcome participants to share as much as they want to in order to get the most out of what is on offer.

What is expected from me in a virtual session?

Within a virtual setting, my aim is that these are as much like a face-to-face training as possible, bearing in mind the limitations (and strengths) of the virtual set up. As a result, I keep numbers low to maintain relational contact. In my online trainings, it is your responsibility to ensure you are:

  • sitting down and stationary (joining a training while travelling or on the move isn't acceptable as it disrupts the group).

  • in a space alone, where you can't be overheard by others - in order to maintain the confidentiality and safety of you and the group.

  • not taping or recording the session by any means.

  • as comfortable as you can be.

Is there any reason why I should not take part?

If you have a serious mental health issue, you are currently going through therapy to deal with severe past trauma or have a mental illness that is affecting your ability to function and cope with life on a day-to-day basis, I ask that you please do not embark on one of my courses until you feel you are able to engage in life in a way that feels manageable.


What if I'm struggling with something & need extra support? What kind of support is there between sessions? (for ongoing courses)

It’s common that material can come up and sometimes that can feel insurmountable, but with the tools and techniques I share, the aim is that we can work through it together, with the wisdom of the group also acting as a great resource to draw on throughout.  My view is that the participant holds the ultimate responsibility for their wellbeing and if they feel they cannot cope with the material being offered, they should let me or my team know as soon as possible. We are more than happy to refer them to other individuals or groups who we believe can support them further. 

If something happens or you are feeling particularly challenged by the work, I advise that you try and complete the full journey where possible, so that you can experience the whole ‘arc’ from start to finish. The courses leave participants with practical suggestions of how to take the tools offered into the real world, which can help to consolidate and integrate what has been learnt.

I always advise participants of resources and practices I recommend between sessions to keep the process going, as well as ways that participants can support themselves in between contact time as a group. There are also various extra resources I share at the end of sessions as a further step participants may want to take to continue their learning and explorations.


What do you mean when you talk about Homecoming?

The process of Homecoming is an opportunity to feel more at home in yourself by connecting to your mind, body, emotions and inner wisdom. It’s a process I guide people through using psychology, mindfulness, neuroscience and other holistic tools. The process works on four levels, bringing deeper awareness to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of your experience - so you can make practical, positive and sustainable change.

To me, Homecoming is the ultimate aim of any self-development work — it’s a return to knowing who we are deep down through presence, living life more truthfully and seeing the potential we have to be our own safe harbour, no matter what is happening in our lives. 

To read more about the tools I use to do this, you can find out more here. 


What happens if I can’t attend a course unexpectedly?

Once you have purchased a course ticket, we won’t be able to provide you with a refund if you are unable to attend or have to leave the course before the group has completed. However, if you are unable to attend the course due to a situation out of your control, we should be able to exchange your ticket to a future course. Zoom calls may be recorded (with permission from the group) so that those who cannot attend one session can watch the recording - in these cases, access is only given to course participants so the confidentiality and safety of the group remains intact. 


What happens if there are any changes made to course timings or other details?

There may be unforeseen circumstances which mean course timings or other details need to change at short notice. In the unlikely event that this should happen, we will update you as soon as we possibly can. This is one of the reasons we are currently asking for telephone numbers on our course sign up sheet - in case of any last minute need to get in touch with you. Thank you in advance for your understanding!

If you are curious about anything else - please reach out to me and the team here.